作者: 機械伯爵
日時: 2009/1/10(07:54)



What’s New In Python 3.0
Author:	Guido van Rossum
Release:	3.0
Date:	January 04, 2009

Python 3.0 の新機能
著者:Guido van Rossum

This article explains the new features in Python 3.0, compared to 2.6. Python 3.0, also known as “Python 3000” or “Py3K”, is the first ever intentionally backwards incompatible Python release.
 この記事は、Python 2.6と比較したPython 3.0の新機能について説明します。"Python 3000"および"Py3k"として知られているPython 3.0は、下位互換を意図的に除いたPythonの始めてのリリースです。

There are more changes than in a typical release, and more that are important for all Python users.
Nevertheless, after digesting the changes, you’ll find that Python really hasn’t changed all that much ? by and large, we’re mostly fixing well-known annoyances and warts, and removing a lot of old cruft.

This article doesn’t attempt to provide a complete specification of all new features, but instead tries to give a convenient overview. For full details, you should refer to the documentation for Python 3.0, and/or the many PEPs referenced in the text.
この記事では、すべての新機能の完全な仕様を説明するつもりはありませんが、代わりに便利な概観を提示します。詳細については、あなたはPython 3.0のドキュメント、あるいはそこで参照されている多くのPEPを参照してください

If you want to understand the complete implementation and design rationale for a particular feature, PEPs usually have more details than the regular documentation; but note that PEPs usually are not kept up-to-date once a feature has been fully implemented.

Due to time constraints this document is not as complete as it should have been.

As always for a new release, the Misc/NEWS file in the source distribution contains a wealth of detailed information about every small thing that was changed.

Common Stumbling Blocks

This section lists those few changes that are most likely to trip you up if you’re used to Python 2.5.
このセクションでは、Python 2.5を使用しているほとんどの人がつまづく幾つかの変更点がリストアップされています。

Print Is A Function

The print statement has been replaced with a print() function, with keyword arguments to replace most of the special syntax of the old print statement


Old : print "The answer is" , 2 * 2
New : print ( "The answer is" , 2 * 2 )
旧:print "The answer is" , 2 * 2 
新:print ( "The answer is" , 2 * 2 )

Old : print x , # Trailing comma suppresses newline
New : print ( x , end = " " ) # Appends a space instead of a newline
旧:print x , # 末尾のコンマの改行を抑制
新:print ( x , end = " " ) # スペースの代わりに改行を付加 

Old : print # Prints a newline
New : print () # You must call the function!
旧:print # 改行を出力
新:print() # 『print関数』を呼び出す必要があります印刷

Old : print >> sys . stderr , "fatal error"
New : print ( "fatal error" , file = sys . stderr )
旧:print >> sys.stderr , "fatal error"
新:print("fatal error", file = sys.stderr)

Old : print ( x , y ) # prints repr((x, y))
New : print (( x , y )) # Not the same as print(x, y)!
旧:print(x , y) # repr((x, y))を出力
新:print (( x , y )) # print(x, y)とは別!

You can also customize the separator between items, e.g.:
print("There are <", 2**32, "> possibilities!", sep="")
which produces:
There are <4294967296> possibilities!
	print("There are <", 2 ** 32, "> possibilities!", sep = "")
	There are <4294967296> possibilities!


* The print() function doesn’t support the “softspace” feature of the old print statement. 

For example, in Python 2.x, print "A\n", "B" would write "A\nB\n" ; but in Python 3.0, print("A\n", "B") writes "A\n B\n" .
例えばPython 2.xでは、
	print "A\n", "B"
を出力しましたが、Python 3.0では
	print("A\n", "B")
	"A\n B\n"

* Initially, you’ll be finding yourself typing the old print x a lot in interactive mode. Time to retrain your fingers to type print(x) instead!
最初あなたは、インタラクティブモードで何度も『print x』と打ってしまう(ことに気づく)でしょう。(しかし)時間が、あなたの指を(かわりに)『print(x)』(と打てるよう)に再教育するでしょう。

* When using the 2to3 source-to-source conversion tool, all print statements are automatically converted to print() function calls, so this is mostly a non-issue for larger projects.

Views And Iterators Instead Of Lists

Some well-known APIs no longer return lists:

* dict methods dict.keys() , dict.items() and dict.values() return “views” instead of lists.
辞書(dict)のメソッドのdict.keys, dict.items, dict.valuesは、リストの代りにビュー(view)を返します。

For example, this no longer works: k = d.keys();k.sort() .
	k = d.keys()

Use k = sorted(d) instead (this works in Python 2.5 too and is just as efficient).
代わりに、sorted(d)を使用します(これはPython 2.5以降でも動きます。

* Also, the dict.iterkeys() , dict.iteritems() and dict.itervalues() methods are no longer supported.

* map() and filter() return iterators. 

If you really need a list, a quick fix is eg list(map(...)) , but a better fix is often to use a list comprehension (especially when the original code uses lambda ), or rewriting the code so it doesn’t need a list at all.

Particularly tricky is map() invoked for the side effects of the function; the correct transformation is to use a regular for loop (since creating a list would just be wasteful).

* range() now behaves like xrange() used to behave, except it works with values of arbitrary size. 

The latter no longer exists.

* zip() now returns an iterator. 

Ordering Comparisons

Python 3.0 has simplified the rules for ordering comparisons:
Python 3.0では順序の比較のルールを簡略化しています。

* The ordering comparison operators ( < , <= , >= , > ) raise a TypeError exception when the operands don’t have a meaningful natural ordering.
順序比較演算子(<, <=, >=, >)は、比較するものに意味のある自然な順序が無い時、『TypeError例外』を発生させます。

Thus, expressions like 1 < '' , 0 > None or len <= len are no longer valid, and eg None < None raises TypeError instead of returning False .
したがって、『1 < ''』『0 > None』あるいは『len <= len』といった(比較は)もはや妥当ではありません。たとえば『None > None』の場合、『False(否)』を返すのではなく『TypeError例外』を発生させます。

A corollary is that sorting a heterogeneous list no longer makes sense ? all the elements must be comparable to each other.

Note that this does not apply to the == and != operators: objects of different incomparable types always compare unequal to each other.

* builtin.sorted() and list.sort() no longer accept the cmp argument providing a comparison function.

Use the key argument instead.

NB the key and reverse arguments are now “keyword-only”.

(訳注:sorted(list, reverse=True)とすると、逆順にソートできます(reverse=1でも可))

* The cmp() function should be treated as gone, and the __cmp__() special method is no longer supported.

Use __lt__() for sorting, __eq__() with __hash__() , and other rich comparisons as needed. (If you really need the cmp() functionality, you could use the expression (a > b) - (a < b) as the equivalent for cmp(a, b) .)
ソーティング(整列)には__lt__メソッド、__eq__メソッド、__hash__メソッド、および必要に応じてその他の豊富な比較方法が用いられます(もし本当にcmp()が関数として必要なら、"(a > b)-(a < b)"をcmp(a, b)と等価のものとして用いることができます)


* PEP 0237 : Essentially, long renamed to int . That is, there is only one built-in integral type, named int ; but it behaves mostly like the old long type. 
* PEP 0237: 基本的にlongがintへ改称されました。それは、『int』という名の唯一の組み込み整数型です。しかし、殆どの『long』型と同様に動作します。

* PEP 0238 : An expression like 1/2 returns a float. 
* PEP 0238 : 『1 / 2』のような式は、浮動小数点数(float)を返します。

Use 1//2 to get the truncating behavior.
切捨ての(動作を行った)結果を得るには、『1 // 2』を使用します。

(The latter syntax has existed for years, at least since Python 2.2.) 
(後者の構文は、 Python 2.2以降の年から存在しています)

* The sys.maxint constant was removed, since there is no longer a limit to the value of integers. 

However, sys.maxsize can be used as an integer larger than any practical list or string index.

It conforms to the implementation’s “natural” integer size and is typically the same as sys.maxint in previous releases on the same platform (assuming the same build options).

* The repr() of a long integer doesn’t include the trailing L anymore, so code that unconditionally strips that character will chop off the last digit instead.

(訳注:reprはrepr関数での出力を意味するとともに、オブジェクトの文字表現を意味する。repr = representation)

* Octal literals are no longer of the form 0720 ; use 0o720 instead. 

Text Vs. Data Instead Of Unicode Vs. 8-bit
『Unicode 対 8ビット』の代わりに『テキスト 対 データ』を

Everything you thought you knew about binary data and Unicode has changed.

* Python 3.0 uses the concepts of text and (binary) data instead of Unicode strings and 8-bit strings.
Python 3.0では、『テキストと(バイナリ)データ』の概念を、『Unicode文字列と8ビット』の代わりに採用しています。

All text is Unicode; however encoded Unicode is represented as binary data.


The type used to hold text is str , the type used to hold data is bytes .

The biggest difference with the 2.x situation is that any attempt to mix text and data in Python 3.0 raises TypeError , whereas if you were to mix Unicode and 8-bit strings in Python 2.x, it would work if the 8-bit string happened to contain only 7-bit (ASCII) bytes, but you would get UnicodeDecodeError if it contained non-ASCII values.
2.xの場合との最大の違いは、テキストとデータの如何なる混同の試みでも、Python 3.0ではTypeErrorを発生させるということでしょう。Python 2.xでは、Unicodeと8bitの文字列を混合したとき、(Unicode文字列が)偶然7ビット(ASCII)bytsだけのバイト列であったならば、それは動作したでしょう。しかし、(Unicode文字列が)非ASCII値を含んでいたならば、UnicodeDecodeErrorを見ることになったでしょう。

This value-specific behavior has caused numerous sad faces over the years.

* As a consequence of this change in philosophy, pretty much all code that uses Unicode, encodings or binary data most likely has to change.

The change is for the better, as in the 2.x world there were numerous bugs having to do with mixing encoded and unencoded text.

To be prepared in Python 2.x, start using unicode for all unencoded text, and str for binary or encoded data only.
Python 2.xで用意すべきことは、エンコードされていない全てのテキストでUnicodeを使い始めることと、『str』はバイナリデータか、エンコードされたデータのみで使うことでしょう。

Then the 2to3 tool will do most of the work for you.
次に、 2to3ツールがあなたのために作業をほとんどやってくれます。

* You can no longer use u"..." literals for Unicode text. However, you must use b"..." literals for binary data.
あなたはもはや、 Unicodeテキストでu"..."リテラルを使用することはできません。しかしながら、バイナリデータにはb"..."リテラルを使わなければなりません。

* As the str and bytes types cannot be mixed, you must always explicitly convert between them.

Use str.encode() to go from str to bytes , and bytes.decode() to go from bytes to str .

You can also use bytes(s, encoding=...) and str(b, encoding=...) , respectively.
	bytes(s, encoding=...)
	str(b, encoding=...)

* Like str , the bytes type is immutable. 

There is a separate mutable type to hold buffered binary data, bytearray .

Nearly all APIs that accept bytes also accept bytearray .

The mutable API is based on collections.MutableSequence . 

* All backslashes in raw string literals are interpreted literally. This means that '\U' and '\u' escapes in raw strings are not treated specially.

For example, r'\u20ac' is a string of 6 characters in Python 3.0, whereas in 2.6, ur'\u20ac' was the single “euro” character.
例えば、Python 2.6ではur'\u20ac'は1文字の『ユーロ記号(Cに=のアレ)』であるのに対して、r'\u20ac'はPython 3.0では(文字どおり)6文字(扱い)です。

 (Of course, this change only affects raw string literals; the euro character is '\u20ac' in Python 3.0.)
(もちろん、この変更はraw文字列だけに影響を与えます。『ユーロ記号』文字列は、Python 3.0でも'\u20ac'で表せます)

* The builtin basestring abstract type was removed.

Use str instead.


The str and bytes types don’t have functionality enough in common to warrant a shared base class.

The 2to3 tool (see below) replaces every occurrence of basestring with str .

* Files opened as text files (still the default mode for open() ) always use an encoding to map between strings (in memory) and bytes (on disk).

Binary files (opened with a b in the mode argument) always use bytes in memory.
バイナリファイル(a,b モード引数を使用して開いた)は常にメモリ内のバイト列を使用します。

This means that if a file is opened using an incorrect mode or encoding, I/O will likely fail loudly, instead of silently producing incorrect data.

It also means that even Unix users will have to specify the correct mode (text or binary) when opening a file.
また、 Unixのユーザでも(テキストまたはバイナリ)のファイルを開くときには、正しいモードを指定する必要があることを意味します。

There is a platform-dependent default encoding, which on Unixy platforms can be set with the LANG environment variable (and sometimes also with some other platform-specific locale-related environment variables).

In many cases, but not all, the system default is UTF-8; you should never count on this default.

Any application reading or writing more than pure ASCII text should probably have a way to override the encoding. There is no longer any need for using the encoding-aware streams in the codecs module.

* Filenames are passed to and returned from APIs as (Unicode) strings. This can present platform-specific problems because on some platforms filenames are arbitrary byte strings.

(On the other hand, on Windows filenames are natively stored as Unicode.) As a work-around, most APIs (eg open() and many functions in the os module) that take filenames accept bytes objects as well as strings, and a few APIs have a way to ask for a bytes return value. 

Thus, os.listdir() returns a list of bytes instances if the argument is a bytes instance, and os.getcwdb() returns the current working directory as a bytes instance.

Note that when os.listdir() returns a list of strings, filenames that cannot be decoded properly are omitted rather than raising UnicodeError .

* Some system APIs like os.environ and sys.argv can also present problems when the bytes made available by the system is not interpretable using the default encoding.

Setting the LANG variable and rerunning the program is probably the best approach. 

* PEP 3138 : The repr() of a string no longer escapes non-ASCII characters.
* PEP 3138 : 文字列のreprは、もはや非ASCII文字をエスケープしたりしません。

It still escapes control characters and code points with non-printable status in the Unicode standard, however.

* PEP 3120 : The default source encoding is now UTF-8. 
* PEP 3120:デフォルトのソースのエンコードは、現在UTF-8です。

* PEP 3131 : Non-ASCII letters are now allowed in identifiers. (However, the standard library remains ASCII-only with the exception of contributor names in comments.) 
* PEP 3131 : 非ASCII文字でも識別子として使えます(ただし、標準ライブラリでは、コメント欄の寄稿者の名前を除き、ASCIIのみが許可されています )

* The StringIO and cStringIO modules are gone. 
* StringIOとcStringIOモジュールはなくなりました。

Instead, import the io module and use io.StringIO or io.BytesIO for text and data respectively.

* See also the Unicode HOWTO , which was updated for Python 3.0.
詳しくは、Python 3.0で更新された『the Unicode HOWTO』を参照してください。

Overview Of Syntax Changes

This section gives a brief overview of every syntactic change in Python 3.0.
このセクションではPython 3.0のすべての統語変化の概要を説明することができます。

New Syntax

* PEP 3107 : Function argument and return value annotations. 
* PEP 3107 :関数の引数と戻り値の注釈

This provides a standardized way of annotating a function’s parameters and return value.

There are no semantics attached to such annotations except that they can be introspected at runtime using the __annotations__ attribute.

The intent is to encourage experimentation through metaclasses, decorators or frameworks.

* PEP 3102 : Keyword-only arguments. 
* PEP 3102 :キーワードのみの引数

Named parameters occurring after *args in the parameter list must be specified using keyword syntax in the call.


You can also use a bare * in the parameter list to indicate that you don’t accept a variable-length argument list, but you do have keyword-only arguments.

* Keyword arguments are allowed after the list of base classes in a class definition.

This is used by the new convention for specifying a metaclass (see next section), but can be used for other purposes as well, as long as the metaclass supports it.


* PEP 3104 : nonlocal statement.
* PEP 3104 : nonlocal文

Using nonlocal x you can now assign directly to a variable in an outer (but non-global) scope. nonlocal is a new reserved word.

'nonlocal x'を使うと、あなたは直接外側スコープの変数に代入することができます(でもxはglobalではありません)。'nonlocal'は新しい予約語です。

* PEP 3132 : Extended Iterable Unpacking. 
* PEP 3132 : 拡張された反復可能展開

You can now write things like a, b, *rest = some_sequence .
『a, b, *rest = some_sequence』のような書きかたが可能になりました。

And even *rest, a = stuff.
さらに『*rest, a = stuff』のような書きかたも。

The rest object is always a (possibly empty) list; the right-hand side may be any iterable. 


	(a, *rest, b) = range(5)

This sets a to 0 , b to 4 , and rest to [1, 2, 3] .
この書式では、aに0を、bには4に、そしてrestに [1, 2, 3] をセットします。

* Dictionary comprehensions: {k: v for k, v in stuff} means the same thing as dict(stuff) but is more flexible.(This is PEP 0274 vindicated. :-)

辞書の内包表記『{k: v for k, v in stuff}』は、『dict(stuff)』と同等です。しかし、もっと柔軟です(これはPEP 0274を養護しています :-)

	x = dict(d)
	x = {k: v for k, v in d}
	x = {k: v for k, v in d.items()}