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-12/03/2008: [Parrot] [[Parrot 1.0は来年3月にリリースされる:http://homepage1.nifty.com/kazuf/renewal.html#parrot_1228309476]]
-Parrotのバージョンが上がってきた。いよいよ、Perl 6がやってくるかもしれない。少しずつ理解するための準備を進めよう。(2008-10-26: [[jscripter>Jscripter]])


: Parrot 0.8.1 News | [[Parrot 0.8.1 "Tio Richie" Released! | Parrot VM:http://www.parrot.org/news/2008/Parrot-0.8.1]]より

- Implementation
++ added CPAN module Storable 2.12 as a configuration and build dependency
++ removed the pseudo PIR opcode 'addr'
++ added the 'box' opcode
++ fixed 'pop_eh' handling in PIR libraries and examples
++ removed usage of .return for tailcalls (use .tailcall instead)
++ removed 'get_hash' and 'get_array' from Capture PMC and Capture_PIR
++ improved debugger and HLL coordination
++ allowed MMD primitive autoboxing
++ fixed all known memory leaks in PIR "Hello, world!"
++ NCI signatures now JITted on x86-32 platforms (Windows and Linux)
++ made the .const directive take a quoted type name instead of a constant
++ made IMCC more re-entrant
- Languages
++ Rakudo
--- refactored Junctions implementation
--- added "fire and forget" tool to rebase/rebuild/test Parrot and Rakudo
--- updated container/reference semantics
--- added more builtin methods and functions
--- improved support for multilevel namespaces
--- added support for .Str, .succ, .pred in user-defined classes
--- implemented pointy blocks on if/loops
--- increased STD.pm convergence
--- added %*VM hash
--- improved MMD candidate sorting
--- improved integration of Num and Int
--- implemented increment on protoobjects
--- added initial support for MAIN subs
--- added .PARROT method
++ Pipp
--- added some predefined constants.
--- added implemention of the function basename().
++ Cardinal (Ruby)
--- Added initial support for the classes Proc, Continuation, Queue, Dir, File, and FileStat
--- fixed various minor bugs
--- fixed broken Regexes
- Compilers
++ PCT
--- added '.isa' method to PCT::Node
--- cleaned up 'immediate block' handling
--- allowed arguments to immediate blocks in loops/conditionals
--- metaclass objects can now 'add_method'
--- integrated macro processing in PIRC's lexer
--- integrated heredoc lexer in PIRC executable
--- added preprocess and heredoc-preprocess commandline options
--- integrated the PASM grammar into PIRC
--- added a register allocator to optimize the built-in vanilla allocator
--- code cleanups and documentation
--- added 'make test' target
++ TGE
--- updated to work with new namespace/classname syntax
--- Deprecations
++ :lexid will become :subid
- Miscellaneous
++ Documentation
--- updates and additions to the Parrot book (see docs/book/)
++ OpenGL
--- minor fixes to Parrot's base OpenGL bindings
--- converted OpenGL PIR examples to Perl 6 (two complete, one WIP)
--- added simplified OpenGL PIR example for NCI JIT testing
++ Tests
--- further improvements to parallel tests
--- tests no longer leave filesystem breadcrumbs