スクリプティング言語 | Rakudo | Perl
New in 1.0.0
+ New user documentation for exceptions. + Updates to Chapters 4 & 5 of the Parrot book. + Improved and expanded generated HTML documentation, as the input for http://docs.parrot.org. + Added Compiled HTML Help (.chm) version of documentation. + Cleanups and fixes.
+ Pynie - left the nest and is now at http://pynie.googlecode.com/ + Cardinal - left the nest and is now at http://github.com/cardinal + APL - left the nest and is now at http://paraplegic.googlecode.com/ + ABC, Squaak, and Befunge moved to examples/. + All remaining languages moved to https://svn.parrot.org/languages/
+ Support for language builds from an installed Parrot. + Expanded language shell generator for new languages. + 'parrotbug' utility repurposed for the Trac interface.
+ Removed deprecated Tqueue and Closure PMCs. + String, Key, NCI, LexPad, Iterator, Sub, Continuation, RetContinuation, ExceptionHandler, ParrotLibrary, ParrotInterpreter, ParrotThread, ParrotRunningThread, Rational, FixedPMCArray, ResizablePMCArray, and GDBMHash PMCs now use declared attributes (ATTR), in place of the deprecated UnionVal.