- 追加された行はこの色です。
- 削除された行はこの色です。
-[[The Vision for 1.0 | Parrot VM:http://www.parrot.org/news/vision-for-1_0]] Submitted by allison on Wed, 12/17/2008 - 03:58.
-12/03/2008: [Parrot] [[Parrot 1.0は来年3月にリリースされる:http://homepage1.nifty.com/kazuf/renewal_2008_12.html#parrot_1228309476]]
-Parrotのバージョンが上がってきた。いよいよ、Perl 6がやってくるかもしれない。少しずつ理解するための準備を進めよう。(2008-10-26: [[jscripter>Jscripter]])
*Parrot 1.0.0 "Haru Tatsu" released! [#e6bb19a7]
New in 1.0.0
- Documentation
+ New user documentation for exceptions.
+ Updates to Chapters 4 & 5 of the Parrot book.
+ Improved and expanded generated HTML documentation, as the input for
+ Added Compiled HTML Help (.chm) version of documentation.
+ Cleanups and fixes.
- Languages
+ Pynie
- left the nest and is now at http://pynie.googlecode.com/
+ Cardinal
- left the nest and is now at http://github.com/cardinal
- left the nest and is now at http://paraplegic.googlecode.com/
+ ABC, Squaak, and Befunge moved to examples/.
+ All remaining languages moved to https://svn.parrot.org/languages/
- Tools
+ Support for language builds from an installed Parrot.
+ Expanded language shell generator for new languages.
+ 'parrotbug' utility repurposed for the Trac interface.
- Deprecations
+ Removed deprecated Tqueue and Closure PMCs.
+ String, Key, NCI, LexPad, Iterator, Sub, Continuation, RetContinuation,
ExceptionHandler, ParrotLibrary, ParrotInterpreter, ParrotThread,
ParrotRunningThread, Rational, FixedPMCArray, ResizablePMCArray, and
GDBMHash PMCs now use declared attributes (ATTR), in place of the
deprecated UnionVal.