作者: KIMURA Koichi
日時: 2008/8/23(18:30)
Bruce. です。

2008/8/22 Bruce. <kbk@...>:

> ざっと3.0の方の変更点リストの修正項目を見た限りでは、特にバグが多発して
> いるとか
> showstopper がいるとかではないようなのですが、なんなんでしょうね。

showstopper 扱いのものでアクティブなバグがこれだけありました。


2322 Clean up getargs.c and its formatting possibilities
2415 bytes() should respect __bytes__
2501 xml.sax.parser() doesn't terminate when given a filename
2965 Update interface of weakref dictionaries
3187 os.listdir can return byte strings
3279 import of site.py fails on startup
3574 compile() cannot decode Latin-1 source encodings
3590 sax.parser considers XML as text rather than bytes
3594 PyTokenizer_FindEncoding() never succeeds
3607 test_multiprocessing failure (Unserializable message)
3611 invalid exception context
3618 possible deadlock in IO library (Lib/io.py)
3627 apple security patches need to be forward ported to py3k
3628 IDLE does not run with Py30b3
3639 segfaults calling warnings.warn() with non-string message
3651 eval() leaks 1 reference every time

2226 Small _abcoll Bugs / Oddities
3352 Deficiencies in multiprocessing/threading API
3419 multiprocessing module is racy
3589 "Misleading names for multiprocessing ""convenience"" functions"
3602 Move test.test_suport.catch_warning() to the 'warnings' module
3629 Py30b3 won't compile a regex that compiles with 2.5.2 and 30b2
3642 Objects/obmalloc.c:529: warning: comparison is always false due to limited
range of data type

2.6および 2.5
2443 uninitialized access to va_list
3002 shutil.copyfile blocks indefinitely on named pipes
3645 readline module Crashs on OpenBSD/amd64

2350 Warn against importing 'exceptions'
2351 Using __(get|set|del)slice__ needs a Py3K warning
2534 Restore isinstance and issubclass speed in 2.6
2548 Undetected error in exception handling
2874 Remove use of the stat module in the stdlib
2876 Write UserDict fixer for 2to3
3444 add warnings for intra-package imports
3640 test_cpickle crash on AMD64 Windows build


木村浩一/KIMURA Koichi
 I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes
or shoud I?
 mail kbk at kt.rim.or.jp
 web www.kt.rim.or.jp/~kbk/zakkicho/index.html