作者: KIMURA Koichi
日時: 2008/4/10(22:48)


On Teaching Programming With Python 3.0

2   Why Version 3.0?

There are many improvements being made to Python in version 3.0 to make
the language cleaner and more consistent. We discuss five of these
improvements here.

    * 2.1   Simpler Built-in Types
    * 2.2   Unsurprising Arithmetic
    * 2.3   Cleaner Comparisons
    * 2.4   Greater Consistency in Console I/O
          o 2.4.1   Printing
          o 2.4.2   Keyboard Input
    * 2.5   A Single Object Model

木村浩一/KIMURA Koichi
 I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes or
shoud I?
 mail kbk at kt.rim.or.jp
 web  www.kt.rim.or.jp/~kbk/zakkicho/index.html