作者: Bruce.
日時: 2008/12/24(21:04)

JO3EMC さんは書きました:
> えっと…あの…Tclは? Tclちゃんは??(めそ)


I guess Tcl is inherently animistic. Instead of a syntax with keywords,
it's a series of invocations to stored procedures of our forefathers, to
which you pass a sacrifice of a string.

Maybe Tcl is shinto then; the temple would be the interpreter you
attached to your C program, and the torii would be the eval interface.

Tcl (the universal glue language) would be Ba'hai?

TCL is like early christianity: in order to incorporate some great new
ideas, they had to do away with some of the old rules, but it became a
mess for a while because of that.



Pascal/delphi is Church of England.
Delphi would be Catholicism.

Fortran would be like the Amish faith

I would say that FORTH is like kaballah

reddit とか stackoverflow でもトピックになっているので、たぐれば

木村浩一/KIMURA Koichi
 I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes or
shoud I?
 mail kbk at kt.rim.or.jp
 web  www.kt.rim.or.jp/~kbk/zakkicho/index.html